How to De-Clutter After The Chicks Leave the Nest

Teenager's messy bedroom, with clothes and other things strewn about.College is in full swing and for incoming freshmen and for them, it can be an exciting time. However, for parents, it can be hard to realize that your baby is out of the house. A good way to take your mind off of it is to realize that you can now de-clutter with the help of self storage.  You now have the opportunity to go through and make more space. When that incoming freshmen returns for the summer, they are going to bring more stuff than they left with. Clearing out childhood memories and life clutter make room for new things. Whether you want to turn that empty room into a home office or simply want to make more room, self storage is a great option to help you. AAA Self Storage has some great tips to help you make the most of your de-cluttering opportunity.

Prioritize Memories

For parents, it can be hard to choose what stays and what goes. The good news is, you can prioritize what you keep and what to throw away. Plastic bins can be ideal to pack away teddy bears and old photos, as well as yearbooks and other memorabilia. A climate controlled self storage unit will keep them in pristine condition for when you feel nostalgic.

Old Clothes and Furniture

In contrast, old clothes may not be worth storing. They may not fit anymore, or more than likely, it is simply forgotten. Most people know what they want to take with them their first year of college. So, anything left behind can be considered expendable by discerning parents. Furniture, on the other hand, is a different matter. Storing bed frames and mattresses is always a good idea, as you never know when you may need them again. However, baby blue nightstands or outdated vanities will probably be better off as garage sale fodder or donated.

Self Storage is Ideal for De-ClutteringA cardboard box filled with sunglasses, an alarm clock and other things between a VHS tape, pink weight, books and blue baseball cap.

Finally, we all know that a home has a finite amount of space. When the chicks leave the nest, you may be hesitant to get rid of certain items. Instead, you can give yourself a different option with great self storage options at AAA Self Storage in El Paso. Climate controlled storage is ideal for storing old photos and older furniture that can be susceptible to temperature fluctuations. Or, you can choose a regular self storage unit to store old toys, bed frames, and mattresses until you need them again.

It can be hard to accept that your child has left the nest and is starting an exciting an adventure on their own. However, you can choose to focus on enjoying old memories and look forward to the future by de-cluttering your home. As a result, you can make room for new memories. AAA Self Stroage can help you make room for those memories. Contact us today!